Schools to make annual county request at 4:30

In a 4:30 meeting this afternoon, Oconee school leaders will be talking local financial support for another year of public school operations. Documents with the numbers will be on the table when the school district makes its annual request of county government. From all sources, Oconee public schools plan to spend in excess of $100 million in 2019-20. From the county government, the schools are asking $66.5 million. Trustees prepared for the presentation during a work session last night, and heard Gloria Moore, school district finance director, speak of an “informal agreement” in which the district will not request monies that would require a tax millage increase. However, Dr. Michael Thorsland, district superintendent, said trustees have the option to pursue an additional tax mill. As now proposed, the district budget would tap its fund balance for $3.4 million to square revenues with expenses. The new budget would also create three additional mental health counselors to rotate among Seneca Middle School, Ravenel Elementary School, Walhalla Middle School, Keowee Elementary, West-Oak Middle School, and Orchard Park Elementary School. Staffing mental health counselors in the schools is a partnership with the state’s Anderson-Oconee-Pickens Mental Health Center. Lisa Simmons, assistant superintendent for instruction, announced that the AOP will start now to recruit individuals to fill the three positions.