SC 11 bridge subject of civil court filing

An accusation of failure to maintain a highway11 bridge in Oconee County is leveled against the South Carolina DOT.  The county Common Pleas Court lawsuit was filed by a Simpsonville attorney of the plaintiffs Simpsonville resident Patricia Boiter and Columbia resident Marion Bannister.  It alleges Boiter was the restrained driver August 30, 2022 of a mid-sized SUV headed northbound on I-85 and Bannister a restrained passenger when, without the plaintiffs’ knowledge, a large chunk of concrete fell from what the lawsuit calls a deteriorating bridge.   And, further, it’s alleged, as the SUV neared SC 11 exit 1 and the bridge overpass, another vehicle “kicked up” the large chunk of concrete off the roadway.  That large piece of concrete, according to the lawsuit, penetrated the SUV and injured passenger Bannister.  A jury trial is sought to decide actual and consequential damages.