“Sanctuary for the unborn” measure fails

A controversial resolution proposed by Oconee County Council’s newest member, Matthew Durham, failed last night in a council vote of 2-3.  Opponents on council say the measure is “divisive.”  It contained language that would have announced the designation on signs on highways entering the county.  Most who spoke during the council’s comment session opposed the resolution.  Their arguments include basic defenses to the right to abortion, as well as such a public stance could damage the county’s progressive image in the eyes of potential tourists and economic development investors.  District Two’s Durham defended his position as a basic defense of the sanctity of human life.  He had support from District Five’s Glenn Hart who said abortion is simply the Biblical commandment “Thou shalt not kill.”  Voting no were the council’s three other members:  Chairman John Elliott of District One and District Three’s Paul Cain and District Four’s Julian Davis.  While Elliott, Cain, and Davis all said that, in principle, they oppose abortion the issue to them is not for county government to address.  When the measure was defeated, applause rang out from the audience.