Restaurants to take shape on Seneca’s E. Main

At opposite ends of Seneca’s E. Main Street, new restaurants are about to take shape. They both have the support of the city board that has a say on architectural changes downtown. Ken and Garrett Myers left City Hall last night having received certificate approval for their plans to convert the existing building at 403 E. Main and turn it into a pizzeria. The Myers restaurant will offer indoor and outdoor dining on the property adjoining the new Keowee Brewing Company. They told the board of architectural review they look forward to adding to the ambiance of the E. Main-N. Walnut intersection. A second certificate of approval was granted to the Seneca Improvements Corporation to remodel 119 Ram Cat Alley into the new Vangeli’s restaurant, which will use existing restaurant space along with that of a former pool hall. The city’s Improvements Corporation owns the property and will lease it to the Vangeli restaurateur.