Rep. Sandifer has been to the map room

Chances are if you’ve been voting in South Carolina House District 2 (the one represented by Bill Sandifer of Seneca), you will continue to vote within that district, once re-districting is done using population numbers from the 2020 census.  Sandifer says he has been inside the map room and left with a clear expectation that there likely will be no District 2 political boundary changes.  Likely not so in District 1, the district represented by Walhalla’s Bill Whitmire.  From what Sandifer has learned and from what he has communicated to Whitmire, it looks like District One, to stay true to the one-man, one-vote principle, will be required to take on an additional two thousand voters.  And where will those voters come from?  Sandifer predicts Pickens County, which would mean that effective with next year’s elections, District 1 will remain Walhalla and northern parts of Oconee along with a two-thousand population segment of neighboring Pickens County.