Public views on Clemson building ban

The Clemson mayor and council took public opinion last night on one of their city’s burning issues:  to what extent should large building be allowed in a city that’s running out of space.  The public was invited to take part on the city’s YouTube channel.  Being considered is whether the university town should ban new, mixed-use building, multi-family dwellings, and townhomes inside the corporate limits.  Relatively few members of the public weighed in, with most expressing concerns about limiting development rights.  A minority opinion was ventured by a Shorecrest Drive resident who said, “I’m in favor of the ban.”  Among those speaking in opposition was an attorney representing Keowee Trail property owners who, he says, have been rebuffed time after time in completing deals with developers for additional student housing.  Another property owner, Kevin Collins, maintains that restricting development downtown will push development to the outskirt’s which will have its own set of repercussions when it comes to traffic.