Primate sightings Saturday in Westminster?

Who knows, if you believe enough, you might see a primate wandering around on Saturday in Westminster.  It’s soon time for the city’s second Big Foot Festival, and both organizer Dale Glymph and Mayor Brian Ramey have a hunch that the city could see big crowds during the day Saturday, because another festival in Marion, North Carolina has been called off.  If you are going, there will be a 9:30 parade in the morning, starting from the Dollar Tree on E. Main.  Ten o’clock is the official start for the vendors, for a lineup of speakers, and contests.  Glymph predicts many vendors.  Their spots are being spaced this year, out of consideration for COVID-19 spread.  Mayor Ramey likes what Big Foot festivals mean for the city.  He and others hope the festival will take a strong hold, and become a fun and friendly attraction to the public, much in the way that annual apple festivals are.