Positive test percentage at 20.7%

The newest (Friday’s) numbers from South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control are showing that out of every five people being tested for COVID-19 in South Carolina, one turns out positive.  The percentage reported Friday was 20.7%.  The state health agency announced 1,558 new confirmed cases and 10 new confirmed deaths. By yesterday, there were 1,148 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.

This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 41,413, probable cases to 119, confirmed deaths to 787, and 6 probable deaths.

Six of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Anderson (1), Beaufort (1), Georgetown (1), Greenville (1), Laurens (1), and Marion (1) counties, two of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Greenville (1) and Kershaw (1) counties, and two of the deaths occurred in young adults from Greenville (1) and  Kershaw (1) counties.

The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (17), Anderson (65), Bamberg (6), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (54), Berkeley (77), Calhoun (3), Charleston (267), Cherokee (4), Chester (14), Chesterfield (9), Clarendon (11), Colleton (7), Darlington (3), Dillon (5), Dorchester (69), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (1), Florence (23), Georgetown (43), Greenville (128), Greenwood (1), Hampton (4), Horry (237), Jasper (27), Kershaw (15), Lancaster (13), Laurens (23), Lee (5), Lexington (44), Marion (18), Marlboro (1), Newberry (16), Oconee (15), Orangeburg (19), Pickens (25), Richland (95), Saluda (4), Spartanburg (30), Sumter (43), Union (3), Williamsburg (7), York (104)

Testing in South Carolina
By Thursday, a total of 450,482 tests have been conducted in the state. See a detailed breakdown of tests in South Carolina on the Data and Projections webpage. DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory is operating extended hours and is testing specimens seven days a week, and the Public Health Laboratory’s current timeframe for providing results to health care providers is 24-48 hours, although a recent increase in testing may lead to a delay of one to two days.

Percent Positive Test Trends among Reported COVID-19 Cases
The total number of individuals tested Thursday statewide was 7,514 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 20.7%.

More than 40 Mobile Testing Clinics Scheduled Statewide
As part of ongoing efforts to increase testing in underserved and rural communities across the state, DHEC is working with community partners to set up mobile testing clinics that bring testing to these communities. Currently, there are 42 mobile testing events scheduled through August 4 with new testing events added regularly. Find a mobile testing clinic event near you at scdhec.gov/covid19mobileclinics.

Residents can also get tested at one of 172 permanent COVID-19 testing facilities across the state. Visit scdhec.gov/covid19testing for more information.

Hospital Bed Occupancy
By Friday morning, 2,925 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,781 are in use, which is a 72.68% statewide hospital bed use rate.