Plastic v. paper–Oconee Library makes stand

Trees are lost when it comes to producing paper bags.  But plastic waste is filling landfills at an alarming rate.  The Oconee Public Library intends to do something about that.  Partnering with Keep Oconee Beautiful, the county’s libraries are phasing out plastic bags at all branches and replacing them with re-usable paper bags.  Grocery-style sacks with handles have been donated to the library system thru the efforts of Phil Soper and Lois Martin, representing KOBA.  Library patrons are to use the paper bags to carry home books, videos, and other library materials.  “We know there are tradeoffs,” says Blair Hinson, library director. “It takes trees and a lot of energy and water to produce paper bags.  However, it seems that the bigger problem right now in most of our communities is the plastic bags you see littering the streets, waterways, parks, and elsewhere….”