One-year old armed robbery remains unsolved

An armed robbery one year ago at a convenience store near Salem remains unsolved, but it’s a case that Oconee Sheriff’s Office still wants to resolve.  Master Deputy Jimmy Watt, office spokesman, says the investigator assigned to the case would like any information or evidence that can be investigated.  On a Friday night (December 4, 2020), a masked robber pointed a gun at a Key Mart clerk and got away from the store with an undisclosed amount of money.  That robber left the Key Mart clerk with her hands tied around her back.  Just moments before, the robber carried a soft drink to the counter.  His getaway vehicle was believed to have been a white 2004-2008 extended cab Ford F-150 that had a chrome toolbox on the back.  There was a notably different door with gold trim on the passenger side.  Crimestoppers will accept tips to solve the robbery.  For the right information, there’s potential for a cash reward.