Oconee schools to change the COVID-19 notification process

The process change will be in place once the Christmas and New Year’s break is over.  Here’s the statement from the Oconee School District:

“After feedback from parents and discussion with principals, the district has made revisions to the COVID-19 Notification Process.  These changes were made to help minimize the number of phone calls families receive.  Effective January 4th, the district will move to the following process:

The parent/guardian of any student who has been a “close contact” of an individual who tested positive will be notified by a personal phone call.  This call will explain that their student is subject to state-mandated quarantine procedures and will provide their child’s return-to-school date.  A close contact is defined by DHEC as having been within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more, with or without a mask.

In addition, elementary school families will receive an email when a positive case is identified in their child’s classroom.  There will no longer be a school messenger call to all families when a case is identified in their child’s school or an additional call to those students in the classroom with the positive individual.

The district will continue to update the COVID-19 Cases site with all positive cases among employees and students as well as with classroom/grade level/schools that have been transitioned to distance learning for a period of time.  Parents can also view the notification process and other helpful information by visiting the district COVID-19 Notification Process & Resources site.”


Please note: The COVID-19 Positive Case site will not be updated during Christmas break. (December 23rd through January 3rd)