Oconee Jersey bull to get new home

The largest animal ever to have made its home in the Oconee County shelter near Seneca is to get a new home thru a New York state-based rescue group.  Farewells will be made today for “Mack”, a two-year old resident of the Oconee Animal Shelter on the Sandifer Boulevard.  Mack thinks he is a dog, but he’s 1-thousand-plus pound Jersey bull.  His new home is  courtesy of Last Chance Animal Rescue, a South Hampton, NY rescue group, which has been a partner in saving the lives of many Oconee County pets.  From the time he arrived at Oconee Animal Control,  Mack made it clear that he wanted attention and would follow volunteer dog-walkers to get a sniff from the pooch and a pat from a human.  Because of the Jersey bull’s “puppy dog” eyes, staff and volunteers fell in love with him.  The bull is to live out his days in the rescue’s sanctuary in the Union County town of Carlisle, South Carolina.