Oconee challenges temporary injunction

Oconee defense lawyers are challenging the temporary injunction ordered by a circuit judge in South Carolina Public Interest Foundation and others versus Oconee County.  It’s a court fight led by Greenville attorney James Carpenter’s Public Interest Foundation on behalf of 12 Oconee County residents in which the plaintiffs object to spending the proceeds from a $25 million dollar bond issue on what they believe is to be sewer expansion to benefit southern Oconee, especially the county’s 4-mile corridor of I-85. Tenth Circuit Judge McIntosh last month granted the injunction.  His ruling, in part, read:  “The County may not use bond revenues for sewer project(s) that will only benefit the southern part of the County while taxing the entire County.”  In their appeal, the county attorneys argue that “The entirety of the Court’s order suffers from serial errors and should be vacated and judgment entered in the County’s favor.”  They further contend that the judge’s order failed to address “the deficiencies in Plaintiffs’ showing supporting preliminary injunctive relief.”