Oconee Census response behind state and federal’s

So far, in the nationwide effort to count how many there are of us, Oconee County numbers trail both state and federal responses. By yesterday, 38% of Oconeeans who’ve been contacted have completed the Census form questions. And, of those 38%, Oconeeans along Lake Keowee are leading the way. Those at Fall Creek, the Cliffs, and Keowee Key are at a 50% response rate. In second place are Oconeeans in Seneca and immediate area. Latest South Carolina response rate is 40% and the nation 44.5%. Census worker David Carfolite says we all must be counted to assure our share of federal money. You can respond at mycensus2020.gov or call one of the toll-free numbers on your invitation. If, by mail, you received a paper questionnaire, fill it out and mail it back. The government wants to know how many were living in your household on Wednesday, April 1.