“No heat” at the Oconee Courthouse

Oconee County has a 21st century courthouse. But apparently there’s no heat in the building. Rlief may be on the way. County Council next week will consider spending nearly $364 thousand dollars to replace the chiller, the boiler, and the controls. The council agenda item reads: “The Oconee County Courthouse’s chiller unit was installed when the building was constructed in 2003 and is nearing its life expectancy. We are no longer able to get new parts for the compressor, only rebuilt parts, and the annual maintenance agreement (currently $15,000) is expected to increase next year. The Boiler has completely stopped working and is dangerous to operate, so there is currently no heat in the building. The controls for both of these units are also outdated and need to be replaced so that they are compatible with the chiller and the boiler.”