New public school spending plan in the works

Once again, projections are that it’ll take in excess of $100 million, from all sources, to carry out the duty of public education in Oconee County for the year 2021-22.  In her budget presentation to the trustees, the district finance officer reminded them and the meeting audience that personnel costs consume 90% of the spending plan.  To avoid the need to raise taxes locally, administration is banking on a new round of “CARES” Act funding.  The federal financial assistance is designed to offset revenue loss that the public schools incur as the result of the world pandemic.  But Dr. Michael Thorsland, superintendent, said it’s the intent  of the district to wean itself off the special federal help and buy time so that, in a couple of years, the district will prepare “flat” budgets that avoid the need to go to the taxpayers for additional support.  The budget proposal is on track to reach the county council on May 4.  There will be opportunity for public comment during hearings held by both the board of trustees and the county council.