New law to address “left lane laggers”

A new traffic law arrives next month in South Carolina whose purpose is to lessen congestion and enhance safety on the state’s multiple lane highways.  House Bill 3011 spells out the circumstances when a motor vehicle may not be driven in the farthest left-hand lane.  It requires signs along the interstates that direct slower traffic to move to the right.  Motorists have complained that passing lanes are often clogged by slower traffic, and the situation can lead to slamming brakes and sudden lane changes.  State Representative Bill Sandifer supported the bill.  The Seneca Republican says he’s noticed the problem that some refer to as “left lane laggers” especially on the main four-lane between Seneca and Anderson.  A spokeswoman for the state Department of Public Safety told 101.7/WGOG NEWS that her department, in tandem with the DOT, will likely soon issue an announcement to acquaint motorists with the new law.  Its effective day is August 15.  Teckla Henderson of the DPS says state troopers, at first, intend to issue warnings for 90 days while the driving public becomes accustomed with the law.