Moving ahead with Oconee economic development

Apparently in the next few months there’ll be an opening in the top job in the office of Oconee Economic Alliance.  Paul Cain, chairman of the planning and economic development committee of the county council, says outgoing director Janet Hartman has indicated she’s willing to help with the transition of whoever is chosen to be the next chief economic development recruiter.  Yesterday Cain spoke to 101.7/WGOG NEWS about the traits and qualities of the next hire.  In the post Great Recession economy, Cain notes a game change in how jobs are recruited and retained and the next economic development director should be able to apply the necessary skills to ensure that Oconee is a player in what is a highly competitive environment.  It’s a tall order for the next director to fill, and that’s partly why Cain expects Oconee will look wherever to help attract the best available.