Message from Oconee libraries

Even though the Oconee County Public Library is closed to the public until further notice, the library is still working to provide assistance. Staff has been working at the branches to answer the phones and help with online offerings and answer questions. They have been available during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., to answer questions on the phone or by email, though that could change. The library wants their users to know they will not have any items due or any fines accrued in this period. If a user had a request on an item, it has not been cancelled, and they’re still on the list. Book returns are still open for right now, and staff are taking extra precautions by quarantining books that come in for a period of four days, as well as cleaning books, library surfaces, and all other parts of the libraries to ensure staff are safe, and that they’re ready when they are able to reopen. While there is no access for the public inside the physical buildings, all locations have Wi-Fi that extends out into the parking lots, and is on 24/7. The library also has maintained a Wi-Fi hotspot at the Mountain Rest Community Club. “We are working on adding new online offerings, and making it easier to use our e-books by increasing the limit that can be checked out at one time,” said Blair Hinson, OCPL Director. “We’re also creating some virtual programming, and will be linking useful things on our web page and social media like authors reading their books for story times, learning tools for kids out of school, and so on.” Check out the library’s website at for more information and some great virtual programs and services, or call your local branch during business hours for more information.