Megan Hicks, ambassador for cancer reseasrch funding

A Lexington woman visited Washington this week as the state’s ambassador to help generate money for research efforts to find a cure for cancer. Megan Hicks works for the South Carolina Tobacco-Free Collaborative and, when we spoke to her Tuesday morning, she was getting ready for a day to meet staff members of senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott. Some prominent figures from the world of sport and entertainment were in Washington, also, for the same cause. They included actor Pierce Brosnan and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, from the world of basketball. 96.3/WGOG listeners can learn more about efforts to fight cancer when the American Cancer Society and Stand Up 2 Cancer hold an event from 2 to 3:30 Tuesday afternoon, March 24 in the David Peeple Room of the Hendrix Student Center at Clemson University.