McMaster to undergo outpatient procedure

Governor McMaster undergoes what his office calls a minor heart procedure this morning to correct paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.  The elective procedure is scheduled to start around 8 this morning and last 2-3 hours during which time he’ll be under general anesthesia. The atrial fibrillation was first discovered and treated by the governor’s cardiologist in 2022 when McMaster was scheduled for elective outpatient orthopedic knee surgery to repair a meniscus tear suffered while playing tennis.  Dr. Amy Rawl Epps, cardiologist, characterizes the elective procedure as a “relatively simple” and that the 76-year-old governor has “had an extensive cardiac workup” and “has very normal cardiac function” and no evidence of significant coronary artery disease.  He is scheduled to return home shortly after this morning’s procedure.  McMaster has notified Lt. Governor Pamela Evette.  The state constitution provides that the lieutenant governor may take executive action in case of emergency if the governor is temporarily disabled.  Yesterday McMaster was seen having lunch in Seneca, just hours after his scheduled tour of the Schneider Electric manufacturing plant.