Lieutenant governor has COVID

The South Carolina lieutenant governor, Pamela Evette, has contracted COVID-19.  In a tweet yesterday, she announced that she began to feel unwell Thursday and immediately self-quarantined.  Her test came back positive, but she reports minor symptoms only.  Evette, 53, recommends tests for anyone showing symptoms.  CDC has updated the clinical symptoms for diagnosing the virus.  New symptoms added are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, congestion or runny nose.  Changes in taste or smell now meet the clinical criteria alone and don’t need to be present with other symptoms.  According to South Carolina DHEC, anyone regularly out and about in the community, around others, or not able to socially distance or wear a mask, is advised to get tested at least once a month.  There are currently more than 500 testing opportunities across the state.