Learning and re-opening surveys

Oconee public schools are asking parents and other members of students families to respond to a pair of surveys.  They pose questions on distance learning and school re-opening.  Those surveys may be accessed thru links on the website of the Oconee School District.  The district also released the following statement:  “The district has already heard from many parents and community members with questions about the
opening of schools. We understand that anything less than a full-time, in-person school schedule
strains many of our families. The district is developing plans and procedures that would allow opening
schools as close to normal as possible with the necessary precautions due to the virus. We are working
on answers to questions about schedules, social distancing requirements, cleaning procedures, and
other issues dealing with the return to school. We also recognize that because of medically fragile
students, at-risk family members, or other issues, some families may not be comfortable returning to a
traditional classroom until a vaccine for COVID-19 is widely available even if schools re-open. In
addition, if we face another time period of distance learning, it is vital for our students that the district
be as prepared as possible to continue rigorous instruction.
Therefore, we are seeking input from all SDOC families. We encourage all families to complete two
2020-2021 School Re-opening Survey
Distance Learning Family Survey
Each family is asked to complete the School Re-opening Survey once and the Distance Learning Family
Survey for each student in the family. If the above links do not work, please visit the SDOC website
for direct links to the surveys.
The surveys will close at 12:00am on Sunday, June 28th.