Latinos celebrate the rise of one of their own

A daughter of immigrant parents, Sarai Melendez can now sit on the governing body of her city, Walhalla. Like the other winners in the November election, Melendez takes an oath to “equally, fairly, and impartially” exercise her duties as a city council member. The ascension of the community activist was celebrated by several friends and family members. Judge Danny Singleton estimated that one-half of the audience at the Center for the Performing Arts was made up of those who came in support of Melendez. Especially proud of her accomplishment was Evelyn Lugo, president of the South Carolina Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Lugo told 101.7/WGOG NEWS that South Carolina is now home to an estimated 300 thousand Latinos and Melendez is an example of Latinos who are taking their position as productive members of society. Last night’s ceremony to swear-in November’s winners started with the oath taken by Councilman Danny Woodward, followed by David Underwood, then Melendez, and then Mayor Danny Edwards. Two holdover members of the city council were in last night’s audience: Josh Roberts and Dennis Owens.