Large sums of sewer money bound for the cities

Refunds in the amount of millions of dollars are headed to Oconee’s three largest municipalities. All it will take will be a vote tonight by the policy board of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority, voting to approve a committee’s recommendation. Seneca, Walhalla, and Westminster are to receive the refunds as the member cities of the JRSA. Seneca is in line for the largest refund: $4.7 million. Walhalla is second in line, at $1.5 million. Westminster’s share is to approximate $1.3 million. Drawing down the JRSA’s wealthy reserve accounts came about on a successful challenge made after the first of the New Year by Seneca JRSA member Scott Moulder. The vote is scheduled during the JRSA’s 6 o’clock meeting tonight at the Walhalla Depot.