It’s your duty to respond to the Census

Sheriff Mike Crenshaw reminds Oconeeans that field workers representing the U-S Census continue their work in Oconee County, and he urges everyone who has not done so to cooperate in a simple and brief interview.  Field staff workers can be identified by their photo identification and by one or more of the following identifiers:  a laptop computer with a Census Bureau logo; an iPad with a Census Bureau logo; iPhone with a Census Bureau logo; and a black canvas bag with a Census logo.  While there have been reports in the U-S of incidents between residents and field workers, the Oconee Sheriff’s Office has received none of those reports locally.  Crenshaw said, “We always encourage our citizens to remain vigilant but also to realize that the Census is mandated every ten years by the U-S Constitution and field workers have a job to do.  If anyone has any questions regarding field workers that show up at their doors, they are more than welcome to contact the Sheriff’s Office and ask to speak to one of our deputies.”