If you show symptoms, stay home–a plea

Eighth graders at Seneca Middle School who were forced into 14 days of distancing learning returned yesterday for in-classroom instruction.  So far, in the one-month old school year, they represent the only cluster of classes directed to learn at home temporarily.  About three out of every four Oconee public school students have opted for in-class learning and, so far, according to the district, there have been 52 positive cases of COVID-19 among both students and staff.  Of the 52, there are currently six “active” cases which mean those persons who tested positive were not back in school as of yesterday.  Of 19 school locations across Oconee County, six schools have had no positive cases; 10 schools have had two or fewer cases; and 14 schools have no active cases.  You can follow the numbers on the website of the Oconee School District.  Once again, school officials stress the following precautions:  If your student shows any symptoms or has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, keep your child home.  Notify your child’s school nurse immediately if the child develops symptoms or is exposed.