Honoring those who served next week

We are nearing one of the 11 federal holidays.  Memorial Day is Monday, a time to honor and remember military servicemen and women whose lives were lost serving the country.  And a number of event announcements have arrived at 101.7/WGOG.  At 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon, the Clemson Corps will host a service at the university Scroll of Honor across Williamson Road from Memorial Stadium.  Lt. Col. Tom van Kaenel, retired U-S Army, will be the featured speaker.  The Oconee County Memorial Day Ceremony is set for 12 noon Monday at the Walhalla Center for the Performing Arts, according to Jerry Dyar, public information officer for the Oconee Veterans Council.  On Thursday next week, there will be traditional Memorial Day services in downtown Six Mile.  At 11:40 am, outside the town hall, Lt. Col. Michael Shannon, chaplain, will speak.