Gun ranges compatible to homes and farmland?

Oconee County Councilman John Elliott is a supporter of the Second Amendment, but he raised questions this week as to whether a planned gun range near Salem is compatible to residential and farmland interests.  And, during a committee meeting this week, Elliott offered a motion which he later tabled.  But there was lots of discussion by Elliott, fellow committee members Paul Cain and Julian Davis and County Attorney David Root.  Elliott moved the following motion:  “We ask staff to prepare recommended language to extend the special exemption requirement for gun, archery clubs, and shooting ranges to the control-free district and return it to this committee (the Planning and Economic Development Committee) at our next meeting.”  But, again, Elliott later tabled his motion after both Cain and Davis expressed sentiments in favor of gun ranges so long as they operate in a manner that they don’t create a nuisance by firing guns at night when people are sleeping.