Grant OK’d for first phase of airport work

Oconee County Council will be asked next week to give the county administrator the authority to accept a new FAA grant to cover phase three of work at the county airport near Clemson. The federal grant for expanding the airport terminal apron amounts to $1.3 million. Five percent supplements to the grant are required of the county and the state. Last night Randy Renz, chairman of the Oconee Aeronautics Commission, updated his fellow commissioners on a series of work that is set to begin by the contractor within two weeks. Phases one and two of the work are leveling a hill and the re-location of part of Nebo Church Road and the filling of dirt to accommodate the apron expansion. At a pre-construction conference this week, airport officials learned that the contract allows for 200 days of work and completion by August 1. That would be ahead of the next Clemson home football season which provides the airport some of its heaviest business.