Graham talks COVID-19 and jobless issues

The world continues to fight COVID-19 with the hope that the warmer weather ahead will serve as a deterrent. Yet, there’s already worry about the potential for a second wave this fall. Senator Lindsey Graham said today that while he, like health professionals, anticipate a return of the virus, he’s not overly-worried. “What will we have in the fall that we don’t have now?” Graham answered his own question by saying, “We’ll have a lot more people tested.” South Carolina’s senior U-S senator said on the Oconee Chamber of Commerce news program said the more testing, the more will can re-open the economy. Government financial help to Americans a prime topic for the program. Graham, however, second-guessed the decision to extend an additional unemployment benefit of $600 dollars a week because that money, couple with regular unemployment compensation, is disincentive for jobless individuals to get off government assistance and return to the workforce. And that stymies employers anxious to re-build their workforces.