Graham, a primary winner

U.S. Senator and Oconee County resident Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) claims an overwhelming victory in the Republican Primary against challengers whose names are unknown to many voters.  Graham credits his victory to months of hard work and support from a dedicated staff and a massive grassroots army of volunteers and donors.

“I am deeply grateful and humbled by the trust placed in me by South Carolina Republicans, and I will not let them down,” said Senator Graham.  “The November election will be one of the most consequential in our history, and it will provide voters with a stark choice between the Democrats’ socialist agenda or security and prosperity through free enterprise and security.

“I know who I am and what I believe.  Over the last six years, I have fought to rebuild our military, cut taxes and regulations, keep Americans safe by defeating radical Islamic terrorists, and confirm conservative judges to the federal bench as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  In each of those areas, we’ve succeeded beyond expectation.  As we work to revive our economy while keeping Americans safe from COVID-19, we need leaders with a proven track record of success.


“I will continue tackling the tough issues facing our country through conservative problem solving and reaching across the aisle when it makes sense.  Let it be known: I’m just getting warmed up!”