From the North Carolina line south into Tamassee

Oconee County officials are moving to split a northern county voting precinct to comply with one man, one-vote,  as part of re-districting, based on the latest population numbers.  A motion, by District One’s John Elliott, was approved Tuesday to move 750 residents who live in the Tamassee precinct, away from that precinct and re-locate them to District Two.  In this action, the county would embrace the notion that precincts should be populated by those who, as much as possible, share common interests and backgrounds.  And that, Elliott explained, would apply to a swath of northern Tamassee precinct residents who have more in common with Mountain Rest, Long Creek and other parts of District Two than they do with those who live in the various lakeside neighborhoods of District One.  Eventually, public hearings will be required.  Kristi Burr, county elections director, urged the county fathers to be cautious, as the move of voters from one precinct to another can create confusion.  There’s also confusion, according to District Two’s Matthew Durham, on the part of some voters as to which county districts they live in.