For the students who enroll, there will be parking

Construction is underway on a large parking lot to serve the new Hamilton Career and Technology Center, once it opens at its new location in August of next year. The building and the parking lot are now under construction in the county’s Information and Technology Park on highway 11. The front parking lot will have 236 regular spaces and nine to meet the requirements of the federal disabilities law, the ADA. The parking lot is being designed for career center students, for those who use the building’s multi-purpose meeting room, and for those going to the career center’ Considerate Café. Some thought has been expressed that the career center might share the parking lot with the first-year campus of Tri-County Tech. About that Steve Hanvey, Oconee associate superintendent, said, “At this point, I don’t think there would be a need to share that area. If their enrollment continues to grow, we are more than happy to work on a plan to share that parking.”