Food insecurity in Pickens County

Clemson researchers recently released findings on the issue of food insecurity in Pickens County along with recommendations and proposed solutions to the problem. The extensive study of hunger and food insecurity in the county was funded by the United Way of Pickens County with support from Clemson’s College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences. The results of the study are based on survey data obtained from 200 community members who are facing hunger and food insecurity as well as focus groups with community leaders, in-depth interviews, a survey of local churches, mapping of “food deserts” and a transportation study to better understand food access for community members who use the local transit system. The survey was given to individuals at various community agencies, including food banks and food pantries, in order to better understand the extent and nature of food insecurity among community residents. Researchers found that nearly 70 percent of survey respondents indicated they experienced some level of food insecurity in the past 12 months and experienced problems or anxiety about consistently accessing adequate food. One-fourth of these survey respondents faced very low food security. Catherine Mobley, professor in Clemson’s sociology, anthropology and criminal justice department, said the research team used the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s definition of food insecurity in the research, which is “an inability, at some time during the year, to provide adequate food for one or more household members due to lack of resources.” The purpose of the research was to discover just how many people are impacted in Pickens County and what barriers hold people back from obtaining the food they need. “Individuals who face hunger struggle to make ends meet and often have to make difficult choices between meeting their basic food needs and paying for life’s other essentials, such as utilities, medical care and rent or mortgage,” Mobley said. “We wanted to look at many aspects of food insecurity and its causes from many different angles in order to paint a clear picture of the issue for the United Way of Pickens County.” The research revealed just what the tradeoffs are for people who cannot afford food. Nearly 38 percent of respondents said that in the previous year, they had to choose between buying food and paying for utilities such as electricity. Fuel for vehicles and medical care came in at a close second and third at 31 percent and 30 percent, respectively. The study also examined where people obtained food, the types of foods they prioritized and how they got to food sources. Almost 38 percent of respondents relied on a food pantry at least four times in the previous year, and respondents overwhelmingly reported that price and nutritional value were important factors in food selection. While many reported using their own vehicle to shop for food, more than half relied on rides from a friend or family member, 26 percent walked to get to food and just under 10 percent relied on public transportation. According to Karen Culley, vice president of community impact for the United Way of Pickens County, it is disheartening to hear that hunger is still such a prevalent issue in the county. The organization realized that the issue needed to be examined in a more in-depth fashion following a hunger study conducted in 2011 in the area. According to Feeding America, the negative health consequences of food insecurity for children include stunted development, anemia, asthma, oral health problems and hospitalizations. Children in food insecure households may also experience lower reading and math scores, more significant behavior and social problems, and lower high school graduation rates.