Expect a ballot full of candidates this election year

Considering the race for the White House this year is highly contentious, Oconeeans and all other Americans have already had it pounded into them that this is the year to elect a President. But there are many other public offices which will be settled by votes in the June primaries and the November General Election. A Presidential year also means that it’s time to elect a county sheriff. And Mike Crenshaw is expected to place his two-term record on the line as he requests the electorate to return him for another four years. We are unaware of anyone who might challenge Crenshaw. In fact, political talk is rather quiet—even though the period for candidates to enter the June primaries won’t take place until the middle of March. Just what offices are to be filled in the regular elections this year was spelled out today by Joy Scharich, the director of Oconee Elections. Scharich recited a lengthy list of available offices that can be heard today on 101.7/WGOG NEWS.