Everyone can play a role to prevent suicide — DHEC believes

The South Carolina state health agency believes everyone can play a role in suicide prevention.  That’s why, in World Suicide Prevention Week, DHEC raises awareness, spreads hope, and shares vital information on how everyone can play a role to help society.  In 2020, suicide was the 12th leading cause of death in the state.  In 2021, state mortality numbers showed suicide as the cause of death of 797 South Carolinians, 16 of them in Oconee County. The National Alliance on Mental Health offers the following warning signs:

Comments or thoughts about suicide

Aggressive behavior

Withdrawal from friends, family and community

Dramatic mood swings

Impulsive or reckless behavior

The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, confidential support via a mental health professional with the Lifeline network.  To connect, call or text 988.