Eleazer makes an explanation

Chris Eleazer, executive director of the Coneross wastewater treatment plant, thinks there’s value in changing the bylaws of Oconee’s Joint Regional Sewer Authority.  So does Seneca’s Scott Moulder.  But for different reasons.  Moulder believes Seneca, the largest customer of the system, is entitled to greater representation on the policy board.  Eleazer’s reasons for urging the consideration of amending the by-laws follows a different line of reasoning.  He believes the requirement that a board member who is representing his city as a city utilities director or a city administrator must live in Oconee County could be short-sighted as far as the overall betterment of the JRSA operations.  And Eleazer told yesterday’s meeting he is not attempting to re-create a seat for Westminster’s Kevin Bronson, who recently resigned because of the prohibition of out-of-county residents being allowed to deliberate on Oconee County matters—regardless of the fact that Bronson serves as Westminster’s administrator and was that city’s choice to serve.  “What I am proposing for the board to discuss and decide it would be something that the board and  the cities see value in because I can see from a cities’ standpoint there could be value in this,” Eleazer said.  His complete remarks on this are being played today on 101.7/WGOG NEWS.