Edwards: “This is something new for Walhalla”

Walhalla city fathers dealt with a hot potato last night by taking no vote on a zoning change that’ll clear the way for new home construction on smaller-sized lots. Mayor Danny Edwards responded to a critic of the planning commission’s recommendation for a general residential zone on Tyre B. Mauldin Street by saying, “This is something new for Walhalla.” The mayor explained that his city has not faced an issue of this type and that he and the council are taking time to gather information before taking a required two votes to change the zoning from Residential-15 to General Residential. Edwards responded to Pine Street resident Henry Brown’s who again last night questioned the validity of the planning commission vote and whether the project would square with what’s in the city comprehensive plan. Brown believes the loss of Residential-15 zoning districts in his city would be irreparable.