DNR dive team retrieved drowning victim

Members of the state DNR dive team recovered the body of a missing kayaker Saturday at the Martin Creek area of Lake Hartwell.  Pennsylvania resident Kellen Jerome Mackey was part of a group of three kayakers who left the dock at a home on Cartee Drive.  The kayak capsized and, of the three, 26-year old Mackey never re-surfaced.  DNR officers joined their counterparts from Oconee Emergency Services.  State officer Chase Stewart operated a sonar-equipped boat and, around 11 o’clock Saturday morning, diver Butler Sprouse found the body near the capsized kayak within 50 yards of the shoreline in water about 35 feet deep.  A New Brighton, Pennsylvania resident, Mackey was in the area for a wedding.  He did not wear a lifejacket.  The DNR is investigating what happened as a boat accident. Members of the DNR Air, Investigations and Recovery team are sworn law enforcement officers trained to use diving gear.