Dialogue with the county administrator

A get together involving the Oconee County administrator (Amanda Brock) and two officials of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority did not resolve who pays the bill to meet increasing service demands, but the dialogue was beneficial, in the estimation of the JRSA’s Bob Faires.  Requests for piped sewer are increasing, especially between Seneca and Clemson, but they are not confined to that corridor.  Faires, the Seneca utilities director, made reference to developers willing to help pay.  In yesterday’s JRSA board meeting, he recognized two developers in the audience and referred to one request for a  project with a $7.5 million investment.  Westminster’s Brian Ramey, the new JRSA chairman, followed Faires by engaging another audience member, county councilman Glenn Hart, with the following question: “We need to know what the county is going to support?”  The Ramey-Hart exchange can be heard today on 101.7/WGOG NEWS.