Defendant’s bond set at $100 thousand with surety

A young Seneca woman has been returned to her jail cell, now knowing the court’s conditions for which she may win release from custody pending trial. In a proceeding this morning, Municipal Judge Danny Singleton set a surety bond in the amount of $100 thousand for defendant Taylor Louise Bright. She is accused of reckless vehicular homicide in the death Thursday night of her husband, John Taylor Bright. The police believe Mrs. Bright, driving a pickup truck, struck Mr. Bright and then dragged him a distance of 16-hundred feet. Prior to this morning’s hearing, a family member said the family’s wish is that no bond would be set, but he said he understood the court was under certain obligations. Joel Bright, a maternal uncle, called what happened “a senseless act.” Mrs. Bright told the judge she has an attorney, but there was no attorney at the bond hearing to represent her. Judge Singleton directed the defendant to make her first appearance in the General Sessions Court February 23 and said she will be entitled to a preliminary hearing. One of the conditions of the $100 thousand surety bond is that Mrs. Bright will be subject to immediate alcohol and drug counseling, if she is successful in making bond. According to the judge, if convicted the defendant would be subject to a term of up to 10 years in prison.