Covingtons’ business license re-instated

Westminster re-instated the business license for a Retreat Street coffee shop, an act of compassion for a young couple who violated business license provisions.  The city council acted unanimously after a contentious one-hour-plus hearing.  Council members, however, conceded although there were communication difficulties with the operators of Chatuga Ridge Coffee, city staff carried out their role in trying to ensure the business license fee and hospitality taxes were paid.  There are conditions attached to re-instating the license.  Afterward, Zack Covington said, “We are going to try to re-open.”  City administrator Bronson led staff’s account of who said what to whom.  In the end, Bronson, conceded it’s city council’s call, although he cautioned the mayor and council that, by re-instating the license, a bad precedent could be set if others in the business community appeal for similar or identical exceptions.  Zack and Erica Covington’s plight received support from sympathizers in last night’s hearing audience. In fact, several coffee drinkers on city council had frequented the coffee shop and regretted the circumstances that led to its closing.