County to improve leased lakeside recreation area

A secluded Lake Hartwell boat landing could become an added jewel to Oconee County’s managed recreation facilities.  Phil Shirley, director of Oconee PRT, gave a county council committee details for a two-phase, $2 million dollars of improvements to the Seneca Creek Landing.  From the U-S Army Corps of Engineers, the county maintains the location under the terms of a multi-year lease.  Nearby Clemson University is a second property owner there.  Shirley envisions the construction of a three-lane boat ramp, along with other improvements that’ll attract boaters, picnickers, and others.  The project will go out to bid, thanks to some dedicated tax millage to address recreation facilities countywide.  The state DNR has asked Oconee to schedule construction outside of the period March through June to avoid the fish spawning season.