Council members say citizen complaints will be heard

Donnie Sears, who lives on the Mount Nebo Church Road, went to Tuesday’s meeting of the Oconee County Council with fire in his eye, but came away with little satisfaction and hope for solving a problem involving a construction project at the county airport that he says plagues the church and its community. Speaking before the Council, Sears lodged a complaint Tuesday against what he said was the rudeness of County Administrator Amanda Brock in dismissing a complaint he brought to her. Sears said the construction project involving Nebo Road near the airport was disruptive to his 55-year-old church and the surrounding community and that the county could as easily have chosen another, better route and location for the airport related project. District 5 Councilmember Glenn Hart apologized to Sears for any rudeness he’d experienced. Council members asked Sears to bring his concerns to a meeting of the Council’s real estate committee at 4:30 p.m. on September 3, before the Council’s regular meeting at 6 p.m. The real estate committee will be hearing matters related to a Federal Aviation Administration grant related to the airport construction project.