Contractor to embark on 123 projects in two counties

A road paver is about to start on a 123 re-surfacing contract in Pickens County that is considered unique to South Carolina and, as a result, will attract observers from the state DOT and out of state, as well. The work will concentrate on a near eight-mile 123 stretch between Clemson and Liberty. “The big thing is that it’s going to be a cost-savings for DOT,” says Marty McKee, vice president for King Asphalt of Liberty. As he explains, the process will allow phases of the work to progress quicker than normal, by completing one mile3 of paving each day. At the same time, King Asphalt has revised its schedule for a major 123 re-surfacing between the Oconee Country Club and US 76 at Westminster for this fall. This is another sizeable project, nearly six and three-quarter miles. Under the King contract with the DOT, the contractor has until September of 2020 to finish. Wherever there are highway workers, the greater emphasis drivers should place on safety for everyone.