Arrests allege sex exploitation of minors

The state Attorney’s General announces the arrest of two Pickens County men on a total of 11 charges connected to an investigation into the sexual exploitation of minors.  The statement by Attorney General Wilson says the accused are a 22-year old Clemson student, Carson Alexander Radlein, and a 53-year old Clemson man, Henry Ervil Swinney III.  Published reports identify Swinney […]

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A new try at duping Seneca utility customers

A new (and deplorable) attempt is being made to cheat Seneca utility customers.  A telephone caller tells customers they are on the disconnect list and will lose service in 30 minutes.  Here’s what Light and Water is saying about the scam:  “Please be aware that Seneca Light and Water will never demand payment immediately over the phone and we do […]

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Show-and-tell time in Westminster

Everyone interested in expanding recreation in Westminster is invited next week for a public input meeting where a conceptual design will be revealed for the Hall Street Community Park.  The Westminster Recreation Planning Committee, chaired by Steve Grogan, sponsors tyhe event at 5:30 pm Wednesday, May 11 at the Cleveland Civic Center on Anderson Avenue.  The committee not only wants […]

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Council members-elect to take the oath

The location will be the Historic Westminster Depot and the event will be momentous for two women and one man.  Westminster announces a public event at 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon to give the oath of office to Audrey Reese, Adam Dunn, and Daby Snipes — the winners of last month’s special election to fill three vacated council terms.

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‘Slight’ risk for severe storms

The Storm Prediction Center has most of South Carolina tomorrow at a level of 2 out of 5 for a ‘slight’ risk for thunderstorms.  At the State Climate Office, Frank Straight says, “Our primary concern will be from damaging straight-line winds.  However, large hail (by that, I mean one inch or larger in diameter can’t be ruled out.”  Straight envisions […]

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Periodically, the driver’s manual is revised

When traffic laws change, the South Carolina driver’s manual also changes.  The DMV’s Cindy Hutton says South Carolina now has three separate manuals:  one for non-commercial vehicles; one for motorcycle and moped operators, and a third manual to be used to study for the license test.  Manuals can be accessed on the internet or purchased from $5 dollars plus tax […]

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Special event/road closure

Walhalla motorists are being reminded that a pair of events–the Main Street Art Walk and the Southeast Gravel Race–will change driving this weekend.  On Saturday only, Main Street both ways will be closed from 7 am to 5 pm.  Detours will be in place, and Police Capt. Tim Rice says, “We ask that through traffic make alternate route plans to […]

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Will Pioneer customers pay more in 2022-23?

Budget numbers at the meeting of the board of Pioneer Rural Water project expenses next year at $5.1 million; income, at $5.2 million.  As to whether the Oconee-Anderson customers will pay more over the next year, General Manager Terry Pruitt yesterday said, “I am putting together some options for the Board to consider at the June meeting.”

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