Auditor discovers WU water loss

The auditor for the town of West Union has detected a major loss of water, and the mayor says it equates to hundreds of gallons a month worth thousands of dollars a year. Auditor Dave Suttles provided Mayor Linda Oliver and the town council last night with his discovery, as part of his report on an exam of the town’s […]

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Anticipating the fiscal cliff

If the leadership of Oconee schools wagered, their bet would be on a solution before the federal government’s financial condition falls from the cliff, forcing major funding cuts. Near the end of this week’s meeting Dr. Mike Lucas, superintendent of education, led the trustees in a discussion of what-if. If the fiscal cliff can’t be averted, according to Lucas, Oconee […]

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Pre-filed legislation

Oconee County’s two resident members of the State House of Representatives have pre-filed a pair of bills to be considered during the 2013 legislative session, which begins next month. District Two’s Bill Sandifer seeks to amend a law, to allow for “Brianna’s Law.” If approved, the amendment would increase to life without parole or death, in cases in which the […]

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Solid waste sets holiday schedule

Oconee County Solid Waste has set its holiday schedule. The landfill will accept regular business Monday, December 24 and close Tuesday and Wednesday, December 25 and 26. The landfill also closes Tuesday, January 1. Oconee’s manned convenience centers will operate 7 a-m to 3 p-m December 24 and close on December 25 and 26. The convenience centers will close Tuesday […]

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CU students help send others to school

A creative inquiry team at Clemson University has started $60 scholarships. The social enterprise provides education chances to impoverished children in the Central American country of Belize. Today through Friday, class members and volunteers from campus organizations are staffing a donation booth in the Hendrix Student Center. The class has partnered with Unity Christian School in Belize City. For $60, […]

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Seneca nears automatic pay deposits

Within six months to one year, Seneca will no longer hand out paychecks to its workers. City Council last night approved a requirement that pay checks for all new city workers be automatically deposited in the workers’ bank accounts. As many as seven out of every 10 existing Seneca employees volunteered for automatic pay deposit. City Administer Greg Dietterick predicted […]

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Seneca to add a museum or two

The city administrator in Seneca received city council approval to re-slot a newly created job position into a museum job. After sharing his vision for Seneca to add a second and, possibly, a third museum, Greg Dietterick got the go ahead to fashion the re-slotted position as someone to take charge of creating the Strickland Museum, on the grounds of […]

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Fair chooses new officers and board

At a meeting this week, the Carolina Foothills Heritage Fair elected new officers and board members for 2013. Stanley Gibson succeeds Tim Donald as president. Donald will serve on the board. Charlie Whiten will serve as vice president; Linda McAvoy, secretary; and Gwen McPhail, treasurer. Besides Donald, the board of directors takes in Rich Allen, Christina Alexander, Jeff Blackwell, Randi […]

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Indictment alleges threatening communication

The government says an indictment has been returned against a Pickens County man, accused of mailing a threatening communication to U-S Senator Lindsey Graham. The announcement of the indictment against Simon Peter Long, 31, does not detail the alleged threat. It says the maximum penalty in the case, should Long be found guilty, is 10 years in prison. The FBI […]

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