Body discovery UPDATE

Oconee Sheriff Mike Crenshaw says preliminary investigation shows a body found this morning near Seneca matches the physical description of a person reported missing yesterday. A hunter this morning found the body on what was described as a logging road near Friendship Road, not far from that community’s volunteer fire station. Highway troopers investigated a motorcycle accident in the vicinity […]

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Greg Dietterick to receive assistant

Seneca’s top man in charge is to receive an assistant. At a special meeting this week, the city council approved the diversion of salary for a vacated utilities’ position to create the job of administrative assistant for City Administrator Greg Dietterick. According to Joel Seavey, Seneca clerk-treasurer, a job description for the new position has yet to be written, but […]

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Oconeean to be arraigned

A magistrate is scheduled to convene a court arraignment at Greenville this morning for a 33-year old Oconeean charged with a federal firearms offense. In the proceeding, according to a court officer, Shannon David Powers of Alexander Road, Seneca, is to be read the formal charge and asked to state a plea. Authorities say in recent days Powers had been […]

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Walhalla High leading the way

For a second time, Walhalla High School has completed a national certification process to validate its program Project Lead the Way. The curriculum allows students to apply what they learn in math and science to real-life engineering and technology projects. Brett Stephenson, Walhalla teacher, said, “The beauty of PLTW courses is that our kids get to experience how a concept […]

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Explaining basin priorities

As the Army Corps of Engineers continues to lower levels in Lake Hartwell, one audience member at this week’s Sanctuary Pointe information meeting wondered how the developers can pull off their ambitious project. The Savannah District Commander, Col. Jeff Hall, issued a further explanation this week about the process to balance the basin in a time of drought. That explanation […]

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Front porch may remain if….

The Aguilar family of Walhalla may keep their recently added porch at 10 Ballenger Street, provided they move the front steps to the side. A second and final vote by the city Board of Zoning Appeals yesterday requires Ana Aguilar to seek a builder’s permit for the work. She and her family were before the city regulatory board because the […]

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Cobb Road Bridge future

Oconee County takes comment tonight on what to do about the Cobb Road Bridge near Westminster. The bridge crosses the Chauga River. The county Roads and Bridges staff will accept public comment about the project from 6 to 7 tonight at Holly Springs Fire Station, the Long Creek Highway.

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