Candidate claims he’s the victim of a smear campaign

Bill Sandifer, the 29-year state lawmaker from Seneca, says he has a stellar conservative record, but is being lied about in a smear campaign that, he says, is coming from out-of-state groups allied with a small fringe of fellow Republicans at the State House.  The smear campaign, Rep. Sandifer says, has taken the form of what he called “nasty grams” delivered by phone and mail. He waxed philosophical about this today when he addressed Oconee County Republicans at a candidates’ event at South Cove Park.  In a tone of sadness, Sandifer ascribed what happened to the rough and tumble nature of contemporary political discourse, and he says it has gotten worse in just the past couple of years.  He remembered an earlier time, the 1970s, when his father ran for mayor – a time he recalls as a more civil time in politics.  Earlier this week the Seneca City Council rallied to Sandifer’s support, praising him for his legislative record and his work to help channel state money for the benefit of his home city.