Cammick refutes Facebook post

Edda Cammick, chairwoman of Oconee County Council, takes issue this morning with a county resident’s Facebook post claiming that, in the last two years, county government lost $1.5 million. “That is simply not true,” says Cammick, who chairs the county’s budget and finance committee. In a statement, Cammick said, “In FY 2016, $500,000 that was budgeted was NOT spent and that sum safely resides now in our reserves, or savings. Likewise in FY 2017, one million budgeted was not spent and was also placed in our reserves. In past years our savings dwindled because money from it was used for the FOCUS fiber network project.” She added this: “Our county employees are working hard to contain costs and replenish our rainy day account and for that should be praised.”